Writers in Climate Crisis
Workshop and Reading
Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024, 15.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
WO: Gatto im Muesum, Paulustorgasse 13, 8010 Graz
Kosten: freie Spende
The fourth edition of the project “Writers in Climate Crisis” is focused on the nonhuman. Which perspectives on climate change are there, except for the human one?
Tint Journal and wir sind lesenswert invited German- and English-speaking young writers (16 years and older) and emerging authors to reflect on the effects of climate change by the means of creative writing and storytelling.
In a workshop in July, the participants explored climate change and eco-literature, and received input from the natural sciences and humanities. They’ve created short prose or poetry texts based on their learnings and own experiences. The results will be shared with the public together with the artistic translation by Luise Höggerl at a public reading on Sunday, October 13, 2024 in Graz.
Participating writers in 2024: Anna Bauer, Caroline Kuba, Nicole Heigenhauser, Kathrin Hirsch, Johanna Köck, Sarah Maxl, Corina Meitz, Susmita Paul, Petra Reifinger, Veronika Steinkellner.
“(Writers) in Climate Crisis” 2024 is organized by Lisa Schantl/Tint Journal and Lisa Höllebauer/wir sind lesenswert, and supported by Land Steiermark A6, Land Steiermark Kultur, Stadt Graz Kultur and Stadt Graz Klimaeuro+.
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