This is collapse – What do we do now? – ONLINE
Samstag, 22. März 2025, 9.30 bis 11.30 Uhr
This is an age of rapid and tumultuous upheaval. Climate change, ecosystem decline, rise of the far right, cost of living pressures, legacies of colonialisation, energy, water and food insecurity, resource extraction and exploitation, conflict, and geopolitical tensions are just some of the issues unevenly impacting individuals, communitiex, nations and regions.
Join Prof. Kate Booth (leader, Critical Collapse Studies research program), Dr Tadzio Müller (queer political scientist, climate justice activist) and Tristan Sykes (collapsologist, activist and co-founder, Just Collapse) as they discuss global collapse and call for local preparedness and activism based on inclusivity, diversity and equity.
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