World Cleanup Day 2024

Freitag, 20. September 2024, ganztags

Join us for World Cleanup Day 2024 on 20 September, a global event dedicated to transforming our world by removing trash and making room for life to flourish.

Our planet deserves better than to be choked by trash. Just as a healthy body thrives without disease, our environment thrives when it’s clean and free from waste. World Cleanup Day is not just about picking up litter; it’s about creating spaces where life can flourish —where nature can breathe and communities can thrive.

This year’s campaign, Make Room for Life, emphasises the profound impact of our collective efforts. By cleaning up our surroundings, we are not just removing garbage; we are making space for new possibilities, for nature to bloom, and for communities to enjoy healthier environments.

Why We Need This Event:

Garbage in the wild is more than an eyesore; it disrupts ecosystems and harms wildlife. Imagine the transformation when each of us takes action to clean up our local areas. A polluted beach can become a haven for marine life, a littered park can turn into a playground for children, and a cluttered street can transform into a vibrant community space.

Your Role:

Every individual effort counts. By participating in World Cleanup Day, you are contributing to a global movement with a common goal: a waste-free world where all life can flourish. Whether you organise a cleanup, join an existing one, or simply spread the word, your actions make a difference.

Let’s come together on 20 September to create a healthier, cleaner planet. Find or organise a cleanup event in your area and be part of this global initiative. Together, we can make room for life and inspire others to join the movement.

Let’s create a waste-free world where all life can flourish.
Join World Cleanup Day on 20 September.

For more information and to find a cleanup event near you, visit:

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20. Sep 2024


6:00 - 22:00

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