next-skill-Webinar: The role of fish-safe turbines in preserving aquatic ecosystems

Montag, 4. Dezember 2023, 16.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
online über Teams
Sprache: Englisch
Veranstalter: next-incubator, 0664/6160868,

In this webinar, we will delve into the pressing issue of biodiversity loss in freshwater and explore how innovative fish-friendly turbines can offer a solution.

Andreas Fürst, responsible for water power plants at Energie Steiermark, will present his practical experience in balancing the generation of clean energy with the conservation of aquatic life. He will discuss the challenges faced by traditional turbines and how fish-friendly turbines can mitigate their impact on fish populations.

Furthermore, Sterling Watson from Natel Energy will join us to explain how Natel’s hydraulic designs enable fish to safely navigate downstream through turbine installations. She will also share how such turbines present an opportunity to rapidly and cost-effectively modernize existing hydropower plants in Europe to better protect freshwater biodiversity.

This webinar is a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues surrounding biodiversity loss in freshwater and the potential benefits of fish-friendly turbines. Join us to explore the possibilities of preserving aquatic ecosystems while harnessing renewable energy in a more sustainable and responsible manner.

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04. Dez 2023


16:00 - 17:00

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