Workshop: Climate-Friendly Food Choices

Donnerstag, 10.10.2024, 11.30 bis 13.30 Uhr
schubertNEST, Elisabethstraße 27, 8010 Graz

Join our workshop: “From Impact to Practice: How to Make Climate-Friendly Food Choices”!

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the environment? Do you want to learn how your dietary choices can contribute to a more sustainable future and how to make conscious food choices? Would you like to connect with like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for this topic? If so, don’t miss our workshop and be part of the change! As part of this year’s Sustainability Day at the University of Graz, under the theme „How will you eat tomorrow?“, we are organizing a workshop not only designed to be informative but also highly interactive, engaging, and led and facilitated by our oikos Graz Team! The workshop is also part of the oikos Academy 2024 under the motto „Road to Carbon Neutrality“!

Did you know? Food production has a major impact on the environment in several ways: – Food Production currently accounts for one-quarter of the world’s GHG emissions – 70% of global freshwater withdrawals are used for agriculture Join us to discover how different diets impact climate change, from methane emissions to the carbon footprint of food production. You’ll learn how to calculate your carbon footprint and understand how daily habits affect the environment. We’ll also introduce the EAT-Lancet Study’s Planetary Health Diet (PHD) and explore the benefits of plant-based eating for both health and the planet.

Get tips on sustainable shopping: learn to identify organic labels and avoid greenwashing.
Impact also plays a key role in this workshop! Participate in a brainstorming session where we’ll explore how you can actively contribute to sustainability through your diet and inspire others. Your ideas can help shape the university’s role in promoting sustainable nutrition. Share YOUR SUGGESTIONS on HOW the University of Graz can enhance sustainable nutrition initiatives! All suggestions will be forwarded to the Environmental Management Department, so you can be part of the solution!
We’ll conclude with hands-on practice, preparing climate-friendly snacks together!
All participants will receive a voucher from PARKS Bio-Fairtrade Coffee Shop valued at 10,00€! The workshop can be conducted in German or English.

Sign up at:

You can find more information on our social media channels: and, on our website:, or on LinkedIn: oikos Graz.

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10. Okt 2024


11:30 - 13:30


Elisabethstraße 27, 8010 Graz


Oikos Graz

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