Movie Night: Outgrow the system

Donnerstag, 11. April 2024, 18.00 bis 20.30 Uhr
RESOWI, HS 15.04
oikos Graz im Rahmen der Sustainability Week

Movie Night & Panel Discussion!

“Change the system!” – Yes, but what system do we actually want?

In their documentary “Outgrow the System”, Cecilia and Anders embark on a journey through alternative economic system designs & discover fresh perspectives through the pioneers of our time to find the answer(s) to this question. 🌐

Curious to know what they found & even dig a bit deeper? Then join us for our movie streaming & panel discussion.

After the movie streaming (~58min) we have the chance to discuss the ideas presented to us with Cecilia & Anders, along with two experts in the field Christian Felber (the dancing economist) & Philipp Wilfinger (Lecturer on ecological-social economic systems at FH Joanneum and a degrowth activist).

Save the Date!

📅 April 11, 2024
⏳6 PM – 8:30 PM
📍University of Graz
RESOWI – HS 15.04
🍿 Snacks will be provided.

Bring your favorite +1 & share with us your vision of a sustainable economic System 👬

P.S.: The movie directors were kind to support us in making this event free. As creating a movie is a resourceful endeavor, we’ll be collecting donations on the spot (cash/transfers).

The movie night is part of the oikos Graz Sustainability Week.

You can watch the trailer for the movie here:

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11. Apr 2024


18:00 - 20:30

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