Seeding for future

Ecological Rebirth Fresk Workshop

Dienstag, 30. April 2024, 18.00 bis 20.00 Uhr
Spektral, Lendkai 45, 8020 Graz

Seeding for future: Ecological Rebirth Fresk Workshop 🌱

Experience building shared representations of a resilient society.

What does a world that has managed to stay below 1.5°C look like, and how can we get there? With its holistic, positive approach, the Ecological Renaissance addresses all the societal issues that will accelerate the transformation of our models and set up all the players in motion. Using a 3 x 1 metre visual support provided, participants will categorise their thoughts around 24 „construction sites“.

🗓️ Date ›› April 30, 2024 – 18:00
📍 Venue ›› Spektral, Lendkai 45, Graz

ℹ️ About Seeding For Future:
Each year, the Seeding for Future’s team organises creative workshops, street animations and talking circles with the aim of creating spaces for exchange and awareness-raising on ecology. We are about to meet communities across Europe to exchange our fears, wishes and dreams for the future.

We are driven by the wish to show that ecology can be a source of inspiration and motivation. To do so, we believe it is essential to articulate and imagine new narratives for desirable futures.

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30. Apr 2024


18:00 - 20:00

Mehr Info



Spektral Graz
Spektral Graz
Lendkai 45, 8020 Graz

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