Upcycle fashion Workshop

Samstag, 20. April 2024, 10.00 bis 12.00 Uhr
WO: Seddwell International Welcome Office, Dreihackengasse 28, 8020 Graz

Inner tubes are versatile, durable and waterproof, and make a great alternative to leather. Making a purse is incredibly quick and easy! The environmental benefits of upcycling are huge:
aside from minimising the volume of discarded materials being sent to landfill each year, it also reduces the need for production using new or raw materials.

Learn basic design techniques with Katcha in this fun workshop. This course is the perfect starting place to learn fundamental purse design and construction. During this class, student will be
guided through making a simple purse and will have the opportunity to choose from several basic purse designs and embellishments.
•Drawing patterns and designs
•Sourcing materials and tools
•Cutting and fabrication
•Tuition in English and German

After the workshop, you will be emailed a short tutorial to remind you of the techniques used on the day. All tools and materials are provided as well as tea, coffee and cake! Maximum of 8 guests to allow for plenty of individual tuition time. Register with Katcha – katchabilek@gmail.com

Location is Seddwell International Welcome Office, Dreihackengasse 28, 8020.

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20. Apr 2024


10:00 - 12:00

Mehr Info



Seddwell Center
Dreihackengasse 32, 8020 Graz


Seddwell Center

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