Original post by barb (Barbara Hudin) on June 7, 2023. Translated by Lisa Scheer in 2023/24.
Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.
The fitting hedge for each location
Hedges are often only thought about as borders of our garden, but they can be so much more.

Function of a hedge
- Apart from being a design element in landscaping, hedges offer birds, insects and small mammals protection and also food.
- When it comes to climate protection, they play an important part as CO2-reservoirs. They are cooling on hot days and protect the ground from drying out.
- They are ecological oases, stepping stone habitats and build bridges for animals. Offering hiding and breeding places, hedges are a place of rest in the hustle of bustle of cities as well.
- The biodiversity of species in a hedge is promoted.
- Hedges help in the stabilisation of slope and bank areas.
- Edible hedges also help people to get fresh snack fruit and nuts.
Navigating hedges
It pays off to plan which kind of hedge you would like to plant. The placement, the function and the use of the hedge play a big role here. With the Heckennavigator (hedge navigator) by Natur im Garten you can find the ideal hedge in just a few steps. Their data base exclusively offers local and ecologically important woody plants.

Apart from tips of which kind of hedge, of planting and of upkeep, you can click through all kinds of possible hedges. One section serves private lots, another part is made for public spaces particularly.
Information: As this site is in German, feel free to use Machine Translation (such as Google Translator or DeepL) to obtain the information you cannot understand in German.
Choosing details
You can only find your ideal hedge if you choose the right properties. You can choose different heights, growing strengths, ecological values, light requirements, climate tolerances and the salt tolerances.
Native Diversity Hedge
If you are looking for a hedge not only depending on visual protection, you can do a lot for animals by choosing a native diversity hedge. Its native woody plants offer food and shelter for a lot of animals and it brings diversity to your garden.
Shrubs of an ecologically valuable diversity hedge are for example:
Common stonecrop and felt stonecrop; bush ivy, tumbleweed, apple rose, black honeysuckle, field rose, leather rose, cinnamon rose, vinegar rose, Vosges rose, hanging fruit rose and rosemary willow.
Hedge navigator – Information and contact
Website: https://www.willheckehaben.at/de/
Telephone support (might not be available in English) „Natur im Garten“: 02742 74333
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