Englisch: Become active!

Original post „Aktiv werden“ by bea, March 21, 2021. Translated by Lisa Scheer in 2023/24.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.

We are looking for interns and volunteers!

The most important thing for us are people. People who share our goals and ideas. People who support us and encourage us to keep going on. People who are on our side. Without them there would be no Website and no App. You want to be one of these people? How can you get involved?

Our website: You enjoy writing and are good at it? We are always looking for new posts and content. We want to spread knowledge on climate protection and sustainability, to further social engagement through enthusiasm and to support other sustainable projects. This has become all the more important and our team needs to grow. Your texts will be published with your name. You will learn how to blog, how to use WordPress and you will reach a lot of readers with your posts. What you do for us is very important.  We are also looking for translators for our texts. The topic of sustainability and our information are very important and language barriers should not limit access to our content.

Apart from creating content for our blog, what else could you do for us? Our newsletter needs content, our social media needs managing and further reach, and events need to be promoted. We need artists to create art for our posts. Our website and our app need constant maintenance. A lot of e-mails also need replies. We don’t get a lot of financial support. Therefore, we urgently need help with creating applications for funding, with fundraising and with getting donations.

And if you had a different idea on how to participate while reading our website, please write to us! We are always open to new ideas and projects. We are quick to implement them and help you wherever we can.

What you will be doing depends on your interests, your abilities and your potential timing. Everything is possible, nothing is obligatory. Please send an e-mail with your ideas to bea@nachhaltig-in-graz.at. We will get back to you.

You think that you can help out otherwise? Reach out to us. There is always something to do. Everyone can find something to do for us.

But you can also support us apart from working „directly“ for us.

Spend time on our website, read our posts and use our suggestions for a sustainable life in your own daily life. We are also happy about likes and other interactions on Facebook and Instagram.

Tell your family and your friends about us.It doesn’t matter if in real life, on Facebook or on Instagram. Talk about us. Invite your friends on Facebook to our website. Send interesting links via e-mail.

Comment on our posts: We love getting feedback, tips and suggestions, your opinions et constructive criticism. It keeps our website alive and makes it more interesting for others. Dates that you can’t find on our website but that definitely belong on our timetable, can be commented here. We will add them later. For company dates we would like to get a small compensation for expenses.

You want to get involved in environmental efforts, but you don’t know exactly how and where? A couple of years ago, I felt the same way. Reach out to me (bea@nachhaltig-in-graz.at). We will find something fitting together.

You don’t have time on your hands, but you would like to support us financially? Thank you. We are happy about each contribution. It’s necessary because we can’t exist without financial support. Work on Nachhaltig in Graz has become very prevalent for us which is why we have to work less on our regular jobs.

You share the opinion that more motivation and information is needed and you want to create a „Nachhaltig in…-Page“ for your hometown or home country? Don’t stop. Engagement and interest are the most important things. We are happy to help you. Write us an e-mail.

Anmerkung der NiG-Redaktion:
Falls du keine wichtigen Beiträge oder Termine von uns verpassen willst, abonnier doch bitte gerne unseren Newsletter! Er kommt unregelmäßig und nicht zu häufig – versprochenOder schau regelmäßig in unseren Veranstaltungskalender.

Wenn dir gefällt, was wir auf dieser Plattform tun, nämlich bereits seit 2017 über Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zu informieren, dann unterstütz uns doch bitte auch finanziell, um unsere Website in dieser Qualität und Fülle weiterführen zu können – uns hilft jeder Beitrag!

Verein „Nachhaltig in Graz“
IBAN: AT20 2081 5000 4200 1552
Verwendungszweck: Spende/Sponsoring
 (Mehr zum Sponsoring hier)

Du kannst dir auch gerne unsere kostenlose App aufs Handy laden, damit kannst du Informationen, Veranstaltungen und vieles mehr entdecken: App Nachhaltig in Graz

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