International Youth Exchange (18 bis 30 Jahre)
TeamUp to Upcycle – 6. bis 17. Mai 2024, Dahnsdorf (Nähe Berlin)
Ziele des Projekts:
- Raise awareness of the youth about global environmental issues.
- Provide key information on EU goals and strategies regarding the transition
to a green economy as well as waste and GHG emission reduction. - Give insights about best practices of waste management on the communal
level and beyond. - Promote a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle and introduce an entire gamut
of waste reduction measures on an individual level. - Explain different business models based on waste material recycling and
provide insights about small-scale business opportunities in this field. - Impart applied skills for paper and plastic waste reuse and recycling that
can be used as a foundation for green entrepreneurship. - Encourage participants’ involvement in social dialogue, youth activism and
decision-making processes to advocate sustainable environmental
practices. - Enhance the digital skills of participants by introducing various digital
tools and technologies, - Introduce the Erasmus+ Programme and other EU platforms and
opportunities for youth. - Create a platform for cultural exchange and peer learning among
beup: Build empowerment unify people
Teilnahme kostenlos, alle Kosten (Reisekosten, Unterkunft & Verpflegung & Gebühren) werden ersetzt
Mehr Informationen: Infopack TeamUp to UpCycle.pdf – Google Drive
The “Team-Up to Up-Cycle” project sets a mission to educate the young people about the fundamental ideas and main working principles behind the more sustainable circular economy. It attempts to stimulate active engagement of the youth in these processes, by offering both comprehensive knowledge and applied skills that will allow them to easily adapt to the changing reality, define and assert their social
position as well as formulate and implement their own social or entrepreneurial initiatives in the topical field.
Within the scopes of the planned youth exchange activity the participants will be provided with a large set of competences. This includes a comprehensive knowledge about major environmental challenges, circular economy, waste management and reduction, types of waste material and corresponding reuse and recycling methods, etc. The participants will be equipped with practical skills related to reuse and recycling of paper and plastic waste and the production of secondary product.

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