GrOw! – Summertraining for young people

GrOw-Summertraining on diets and agriculture by Eat4Change, 22. bis 29. Juli 2023 im Cambium, Fehring Styria

Du bist zwischen 16-30 Jahren alt, interessierst dich für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft und hast genug vom voranschreitenden Klimawandel? Dann melde dich jetzt an, für das „GrOw! – Sommertraining“!
Das Trainings-Programm wird genau so vielfältig sein, wie ein gut zusammengestelltes Menü: von thematischen Inputs, über praktische Koch- und Landwirtschafts-Workshops, Besuchen bei umliegenden „Best-Practice“-Projekten und natürlich – wie es sich für einen guten Sommer gehört – viel gemeinsame Zeit um Sonne und Natur zu genießen!

GrOw – Sommerakademie

Mehr Infos:

  • 22. bis 29. Juli 2023
  • Cambium, Leben in Gemeinschaft, Kasernenstraße 2, Fehring
  • kostenlos

Anmeldung bis zum 17. Juli 2023 über dieses Formular.


A week for young activists, gardeners, farmers, food lovers and nature explorers to come together, create new relationships and spark the change in our diets and food systems across Europe.

You are between 16-30 years old, interested in food and agriculture and fed up with the progressing climate change? Then sign up now for the „GrOw! Summer Training“! The training program will be as diverse as a well-prepared menu: from theoretical inputs, to practical cooking and farming workshops, visits to surrounding „best practice“ projects and of course – as it should be a good summer – lots of time together to enjoy the sun and nature!

  • Workshops on food & agriculture
  • Creating your own follow-up action projects
  • Connecting with an international community

More info:

Why should you register for the GrOw! Training? Because:

  • agriculture is responsible for about 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • more than two thirds of agricultural land is used for animal products.
  • it needs a better understanding of the link between diets, health and social justice
  • we need to talk about reorientating our global trade policies towards civil society demands
  • we need creative minds to encourage change in society and in politics
  • it needs an agrarian revolution!

More than 1/4th of global greenhouse gases can be attributed to the food sector. The way we are currently producing and consuming what we eat is endangering natural landscapes, biodiversity, a stable climate, and so also our own future. But the good thing is: the solutions are on the table – and on our plates!

The GrOw Summertraining aims to start a discussion and provide deeper insight into questions such as: Why and how do we select what ends up on our plates? Who produces the food that lands on our plates and how can these actors be influenced? What are already existing alternative methods to produce food, that are healthy for us and the planet?

At the same time the programme will also encourage the creation of individual follow up projects and actions, to „lead the change“ also after the trainings end.


  • A week free of charge dedicated to food, cooking, harvesting and eating, all while looking at the bigger picture of our food system.
  • A week outside with newly made friends and many new experiences to gain.
  • A week to start living the change.


At the „Cambium“, a community project, ecological farm and open space situated an old caserne in Fehring, Styria.


From the 23th – 30th July.


Find the registration link, our website and our Facebook Page in the Bio!

For the participation at the Event no Fee is required and the transportation costs will be (partially) reimbursed after attending!

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