Original post in German by dicle on May 29, 2023 (Online-Shops für Secondhand-Mode). Translated by Lisa Scheer in 2023/24.
Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.
Not only offline stores for second-hand fashion are booming but there are also more and more online stores and platforms with attractive offers of second-hand fashion. In this article, you can find a list of different online stores and platforms to explore. Some of these do not only provide you with the opportunity to buy but also to sell used clothes.

The companies mentioned below are not only regional companies or companies from Austria. It is important to know that manufacturing new clothes produces significantly more CO2-emissions and more damage to the environment than the transport of clothes. For example, making a T-shirt and a pair of jeans create around 5.6 kilogrammes and 28.1 kilogrammes of CO2. The transportation of one clothing piece to a client causes about 0.2-0.3 kilogrammes of CO2. For this reason, buying second-hand clothes is the ecologically better choice, even if the clothing piece travels a further distance, because the impact of production falls away. Regional offers should still be preferred nonetheless to keep the ecological effect of shopping as low as possible.
You can buy and sell here:
These platforms offer the possibility of selling your clothes yourself. You take pictures of them, describe them and name a price for them. Whatever you make by selling your clothes, belongs to you:
Willhaben: https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/mode-accessoires-3275
Vinted: https://www.vinted.at/
Mädchenflohmarkt: https://www.maedchenflohmarkt.at/
Kleiderkorb: https://www.kleiderkorb.de/home
Shpock: https://www.shpock.com/de-at
You can buy here and a third party sells for you:
These online stores and platforms allow you to sell your used clothes with less effort. You send your clothes to them, and they sell them for you. In return, they receive a portion of your proceeds as commission.
Sellpy: https://www.sellpy.at/
Momox Fashion: https://www.momoxfashion.com/de/
Mädchenflohmarkt: https://www.maedchenflohmarkt.at/
Remix: https://remixshop.com/at
In these Austrian online stores you can only buy:
Babäm!: https://www.babaem.at/
Fashion 2.0 Secondhand: https://www.fashion20secondhand.at/
Dogdaysofsummer: https://dogdaysofsummer.at/
MyMint: https://www.mymint-shop.com/
Widado: https://www.widado.com/
Luxus Store: https://www.luxus-store.at/
Wichtelfee (clothes for children): https://www.wichtelfee.at/
Further online stores that sell second-hand fashion:
ReSales (Germany): https://www.resales.de/de/
Second Life Fashion (Germany): https://secondlifefashion.de/
Because sustainable fashion is growing more popular, bigger fashion companies (such as Zalando or NA-KD) try to add the sale of second-hand fashion to their offer. You can return clothes that you bought from them, and they offer them for a reduced price on their website for a second time.
Do you know about any other online stores for second-hand fashion that we haven’t listed here? Please let us know, so we can include them in our list!
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