Englisch: Sustainably saving money – our tips for Graz

Original post by bea in German on August 15, 2022 (Nachhaltig Geld sparen – unsere Tipps für Graz). Translated by Lisa Scheer in 2023/24.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.

A sustainable, resource conserving life is also a life that saves money.

We are collecting a list of links with all relevant information for surviving on less money here.  If you have questions, do not hesitate do contact us! This list is in its infancy and is continually updated. Additionally, there will be possible downloads for the most important tips.

Geldscheine, die aufgefächert auf einem Tisch liegen

Saving energy:

Saving Water:

Reducing further running costs:

  • Waste separation pays off, even for renters in apartment buildings. This mainly concerns your residual waste bin: The smaller it is and the more seldomly it is emptied, the smaller the waste fees. Because renters have to pay these fees, smaller bins mean fewer running costs. Depending on the building size, this fee can go up to a four-digit sum. Whoever wants to reduce running costs, because higher waste fees can literally mean „throwing your money away“, should take care of proper waste separation in their own apartment complex/house. A big part of residual waste doesn’t belong in the residual waste bin, but is instead packaging waste (yellow bin), wastepaper (red bin) and biological waste (brown bin). Further information (with links to the different kinds of waste) can be found here: Waste separation #1: Waste separation made easy
    The disposal of packaging waste is already included when buying plastic packaging. If I throw my packaging waste in the residual waste bin, I will pay two times.
  • General power: If you notice a lamp in common spaces that is turned on for no reason, do something about it – power used in general spaces is paid by renters as well. Everything you save in energy in these areas pays off for you too.




  • Second Hand
  • Kostnix-stores (offer free items) and stores based on voluntary donations

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