Englisch: Micro-adventures and short holidays in Graz

Original post by barb in German on July 2, 2023 (Mikroabenteuer & Kurzurlaube in Graz). Translated by Lisa Scheer in 2023/24.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.

Suggestions against wanderlust, for adventure and for holiday vibes

Why wander far and wide when the good is so close by – this saying also counts when we yearn for holidays far away. Holidays often simply mean doing something different than in our everyday life and experiencing joyful moments. This can easily be done with a micro-adventure – just around your corner. This protects the climate and is free or costs little. Having to travel during your holidays might be an invention of travel agencies.

Perquisites for a sustainable micro-adventure are to avoid cars and planes. The less planning you do, the more spontaneous and the more suprising your trip will be. Let’s dive into adventure, be it on foot, on bike or with public transportation.

Here are some suggestions for sustainable adventures

  • Change your everyday habits: Leave your phone at home. Take a different route to work or walk.
  • Go shopping at the farmer’s market instead of the supermarket and have a chat with the famers. Perhaps you get to taste something new or someone invites you to grape harvest?
  • Meet your neighbours: How many of your neighbours do you even know? Bake a cake or get in contact with your favourite food rescue for foodsharing, for example for a bakery and give out cake and baked goods in your apartment. Perhaps you find out that your neighbour is actually nice or you find out something exciting happening in your neighbourhood.
  • Discover insects, flowers, trees and animals in Graz. There are various places you can do that: Stadtpark, Schloßberg, Lebenspark Raaba, Buchkogel, Augarten, … Have you already noticed that there are figs and lizards on Schloßberg? At Stadtparkinfo or in Waldschule im Leechwald there are organised programs for small and big researchers. In Lebenspark Raaba you can discover flora and fauna through your own Flori-App. Through the magnifying glass of your phone, you can get a deeper and more thorough look at nature.

Culinary discoveries and adventures in nature

  • Do you already know the organic farm at Grottenhof? It’s also a nice trip for kids.
  • Have a look at fruitmap or mundraub and try ripe fruit throughout the city. Can you manage to get home with a full stomach?
  • Talk a walk along a brook or along Mur – how wet your feet might get, is up to you.
  • Walk around barefoot through town, through a forest or on a mountain. How does it feel? And what will people say to you?
  • Close your eyes and click on an event in our sustainable Timetable. Really go there, even if you don’t think it is quite for you. Who knows what you might learn. Be open for new contacts. Talk to someone. Most events are free.
  • Sleep underneath the sky, make a bonfire (where it is allowed!) and bake bread over the fire.
  • Take the bus, the tram or the train for a few stops. Get out and have a look at the unknown surroundings. The Klimaticket offers you the opportunity to travel without thinking about money.
  • Discover new dishes and restaurants in Graz. There’s a big variety in international cuisines in the city. Or try to find the best vegetarian or vegan restaurant in Graz. Or the one with the best kaiserschmarrn, the best foam on your coffee… You can find our Restaurant tips here!
  • Did you know that a fourth of Graz is covered in forest? For adults, the forest is a nice place to do „forest bathing“, to relax, to get some fresh air, to meditate… for kids the forest offers a lot do discover.
  • Picnicking in nature is always nice.

Active adventures…

  • Discover the Mur from a new perspective – be it on a kayak or on a stand-up paddle.
  • When the sun is rising, or setting or when a full moon is on the sky, visit the mountains or hills (or even the top of a high building) around Graz to have a romantic micro-adventure. Schöckl, Buchkogel, the Platte, the Schloßberg … It’s up to you.
  • Try a new sport: especially during the Summer the offer of „Bewegt im Park“ is ideal to discover new and cheap sports. Or you simply ask if you can join in somewhere. Especially in Stadtpark and Augarten there are always groups that do sports.

What has been your best micro-adventure yet? Do you have anything else for us? Let us know.

Have fun on your next micro-adventure.

By the way: The real adventures are in our head – André Heller

Fotos: ©b_hudin_nachhaltig_in_graz

More on sustainable travelling on our site:

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