Englisch: Active Climate Movements in Graz and Styria

Original post by bea on March 11, 2021. Translated by Lisa Scheer 2023/24.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post might redirect you to a site in German. Feel free to use Machine Translation (such as DeepL or Google Translate) to get the information provided on these sites.

Which initiatives, societies and movements in Graz and in Styria do address climate protection? Here you can find a list on active climate movements.

When people get involved, they regain their ability to act. The climate crisis is a global, huge problem that nobody can solve alone. People need to take initiative in a lot of different ways. People who want to actively do something should join a group. You can also get involved in one of the following groups! By doing so, you can reach people and inform them on topics such as climate justice, environmental protection and sustainability.  Leading a sustainable life alone will not solve the climate crisis. We have to change the system. Become a part of the solution!

List of initiatives for the climate movement in Graz and Styria

  1. Plattform 1,5 Graz – cooperation of a couple of organisations in Graz
  2. Degrowth Graz
  3. Extinction Rebellion
  4. Foodsharing Graz
  5. Fridays for Future Graz
  6. Graz Artists for Future
  7. Greenpeace Gruppe Graz
  8. Health for Future Graz
  9. Institut für Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (iNW)
  10. Climate Alliance Styria
  11. Letzte Generation
  12. Move IT
  13. Museums For Future
  14. Nachhaltig in Eggersdorf
  15. Sustainable in Frohnleiten
  16. Nachhaltig in Graz
  17. Nachhaltig in Leibnitz
  18. Nachhaltig in Nestelbach
  19. Naturfreunde Graz
  20. Naturfreunde Steiermark
  21. Naturschutzbund Steiermark
  22. Naturschutzjugend Steiermark
  23. Oikos Graz
  24. Ökoregion Kaindorf
  25. Omas for Future Steiermark
  26. Parents for Future Graz
  27. Parents for Future Leibnitz
  28. ProBim Graz
  29. Psychologists for Future Österreich
  30. Radlobby Argus Steiermark
  31. Religions for Future
  32. Schubertnest Graz
  33. Steiermark.gemeinsam.jetzt
  34. Students Association for Sustainability (SAS)
  35. Students for Future Graz
  36. Südwind
  37. System Change not Climate Change
  38. Teachers for Future Graz
  39. Transition Graz
  40. Umweltbildungszentrum Steiermark
  41. Wasserinitiative Viva con Agua

More interesting posts on getting involved:

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